Awwwhh bestie that means so much! Thank you! Gladly my loved ones and I are alright. Trying really hard living our lives as if we are not in the middle of the worst crisis our country has ever seen xD I miss you and your stories too! Need to refresh my mind and read them all!! ❤️❤️❤️
have absolutely no words. the thing is going on right now, my home country attacking the other brotherlike country is incredibly shocking and terrifying. I pray for all the citizens live in peace and putin burn in hell
@chrissybaeevans awh my god such a nice notification I got this morning!!! Im all good, just some stuff I have to do to live my adult life haha
I miss you and your stories so much! Gonna read them all as soon as fast I have free time
Hope you’re well too! ♥️
I’m a birthday girl today! 23 years so far (;
Also, since it’s New Year’s Eve, I wish all of you everything to be in the best way for you! Lots of love <3
hello y’all :) do you have any good comedy movie suggestions? I’m finishing my MCU marathon and I do really need something fun and easy to watch after this stressful marathon
Thank you <3