yooooo. drop book ideas lowkey (would prefer like dnf or sum) unless y’all would read a story that involves my friends and I’s characters of a mc server rp we’re doing???
yooooo. drop book ideas lowkey (would prefer like dnf or sum) unless y’all would read a story that involves my friends and I’s characters of a mc server rp we’re doing???
Uhm captain, wtf is our squad symbol?? i just realized when me and Idontcare were talking about building our squad a treehouse that we dont have a fracking symbol! The Scooby Squad needs symbol :/
i forget like half the comments i say on like stories and shii. so i just have notifs saying “IFNEOFJWIDQND” from like a random person? also i lowkey look like Katara. So i just edited her eyes to brown soo-