
Hi so I'm here to ask if an author asked you for a permission to copy your book And change it into a winrina story? Cause if not girl then somebody stole your story and made it into a winrina stuff, no hate but that is injustice 


The book was also called "Home" and everything is copy paste 


Hi . I wanted to inform you that this story someone stole it and edited it as a jenlisa story without changing anything except the characters


            Guys chill 
            The author did ask for permission 


@tty309 True, I have repeatedly reprimanded the author but she ignored and deleted the message she also changed her username. You can tell her straight away don't be afraid. I've done it. She doesn't deserve to be praised. For stealing people's work ,without the permission of the original author. The story still there. 


anyeong i want to remake story of MBIMF can you help me??i want to remake to indonesian language i already ask for permission for real author but no respon can you give me an another choice to call the real author?i think the real author for so long not to open her aff account see like a hiatus please help me thank you