
Hello everyone, 
          	For those who follow me for my Drarry Oneshots, or just wondered here, I have put my D.O. into a hiatus. The reason comes down to my availability and my ability to write something interesting. Although I do have one-shots pre-written and thought out, I have zero current interest in doing them. The motivation I had in 2021 to write the stories has only withered through these past 4 years. 
          	I will likely come back, someday. And when I do, I’ll write interesting stories for all of you. Thank you for all the reads and votes <3
          	- AA


Hello everyone, 
          For those who follow me for my Drarry Oneshots, or just wondered here, I have put my D.O. into a hiatus. The reason comes down to my availability and my ability to write something interesting. Although I do have one-shots pre-written and thought out, I have zero current interest in doing them. The motivation I had in 2021 to write the stories has only withered through these past 4 years. 
          I will likely come back, someday. And when I do, I’ll write interesting stories for all of you. Thank you for all the reads and votes <3
          - AA


It has been so incredibly long since I’ve opened Wattpad or written a story but today I was finally able to finish a one-shot that has been in the making for a year. Thank you to those who have waited patiently for new stories to come out. I appreciate you all. Enjoy my loves <3 


Thank you all so much for 6K, it is truly wonderful to see people actually reading my stories. I won’t ever force you guys to share, vote or even comment on them. Just seeing you guys read them makes me more than happy. Thank you <3


Fell in PE and scratched my knee horribly and only 1 out of my 10 friends seemed to care.. good day to be living, ig.


@ayuwokianny hope your okay and hope tomorrow goes better 


The “Drarry Oneshots” final 6 Oneshots have been updated from 6 to 7! 
          The reason as to why I added one more final oneshot is because there’s one song, that will be released by the artist soon, that I want to make a one-shot about! 
          The other 3 WILL be released this month or next month, as well as a new teaser for an upcoming book!
          I’ll keep you guys updated on any other books/stories that I may update or release! 
          Thank you all!
          Anny <3


So uh, School starts in 2 days and I’m nervous af.. 
          I have some ideas for the last 3 (was it?) oneshots and some others for books! 
          I’ve decided for my book Missing Mates to discontinue it. Temporarily. Which means that it won’t be updated and it will be taken down (by me) until next year. I’m really sorry to those who wanted to read the next chapters, I just feel a lot on my shoulders right now and I need to focus on my studies. 
          Thank you all for understanding! (Or not) 
          Love you all, 
          Anny <3


@shutupfatsimpp Yeah, School (for me) starts on August 22nd, sadly


@ayuwokianny if school gets too much you can message me, always here if you need to talk x