
I would like to think I had the best dad in the world. He was a awesome dad who was the best. He like hugging me as a kid and always asked me if I would do the same even when I have grown up. Of corse I had said and it continues so even as I am 16.Besides that his way of parenting was different than others. Parents nowadays are either:strict af or casual af. Both of those have consequences. But my dad was different, he used both of those parenting styles, I was taught to become independent, do my chores to the point I'm a pretty good cleaner and cook and I would like to thank him for that
          	My dad is not a king, neither is he a minister or someone well-known. But today I witnessed over a hundred people, friends and relatives coming to see him for the last time. All sort of people from around Malaysia just to see him. And I am proud of hwho he is today. Today a great man, a father, a mentor a teacher, a friend has left the realm of living.
          	Abah, Azril Hezmi you will be missed by many


I would like to think I had the best dad in the world. He was a awesome dad who was the best. He like hugging me as a kid and always asked me if I would do the same even when I have grown up. Of corse I had said and it continues so even as I am 16.Besides that his way of parenting was different than others. Parents nowadays are either:strict af or casual af. Both of those have consequences. But my dad was different, he used both of those parenting styles, I was taught to become independent, do my chores to the point I'm a pretty good cleaner and cook and I would like to thank him for that
          My dad is not a king, neither is he a minister or someone well-known. But today I witnessed over a hundred people, friends and relatives coming to see him for the last time. All sort of people from around Malaysia just to see him. And I am proud of hwho he is today. Today a great man, a father, a mentor a teacher, a friend has left the realm of living.
          Abah, Azril Hezmi you will be missed by many


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So I got hacked,and locked out of my own account by the son of a bitch.Right now I have to use every single restraint to not find that hacker and beat the living life out of him Doctor Strange style
          Okay,Its official I won't hold back and Imma Silat his ass to make him drop the soap


@azrazelx For real, you can make a new account


@azrazelx My guy, just make a new account and I’ll handle everything from the discord side. 




@azrazelx You purposely make mistakes?


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Most people would say, a happy valentine to other people, but I ain't saying that.All that I can say is 
          to people with good significant others,treat em well
          to people with trashy gf/bf dump them,they will ruin ya
          to people with crazy gf around him(ya know who you are although the relation is plantonic) don't betray us
          to people single mingle pringle or solo molo,stay cool guys,we got this.Play games,read a book or do something that says,fuck this holiday(wait,is it even a holiday ?Like really?I can understand the significance of St patrick day but really?) anyways just be chaotic as possible,maybe burn down your school dance or something
          jk jk don't do that,just inflate the couples car tyre,if they have one or even better put sauce in the drinks or something
          awful st.Valentine yall


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At this point of my life,I question myself how emotion works?Sometimes I can feel happy as hell before turning into shit of a mess.Its,...confusing.You can easily change your attitude or likes against something
          It think it what we call ambivalent
          You have mixed feeling towards something,its mixed,confusing ,undescribable and known yet unknown to you.You are like in a dark maze,using your sense of touch finding,looking for a way out as you fumble through the darkness to the point you are confused,"have I been walking in circles,","Where am I?".You have lost your sense and at the same time increased your sense.
          Its what I like to say
          "I wonder if humans have grown more sensitive or more insensistive?we care when someone shit talks or bad talk about us,yet when someone says something simple it can hurt our feelings"