ok so i've been MIA on Wattpad for months now but im bored so im gonna post this thing I finished writing 3 minutes ago:
Before gods, before all of the chaos, there was peace. There was peace and the personas. There were personas of Night and Death and Sleep and then there was Instability. As time passed and the gods were born and then humans came along, the personas lived in peace, Night thrived in the shadows, Death traveled doorstep to doorstep collecting souls, and Sleep came and washed over all of the epitomes of exhaust. But Instability was curious, Instability wanted to see because unlike all of the other personas, Instability was the most humane. Instability was the crack in the wall after the punch, Instability was the tear that fell from the eye, Instability was the screams after death, Instability was the heartbreak after betrayal. But as Instability observed the humans, Instability became more like them. Instability wanted to help them, Instability wanted to help them move on and forward and not dwell in their sadness and fear. But the Gods didn’t like that. They didn’t like what Instability was doing because they had warned the personas before that nothing good would come from helping the humans. Instability soon traveled on the Mortal Lands and tried to make peace. Instability healed the “insane” and mended the broken hearts. But just as the Gods predicted, the humans plotted to capture Instability for their own gain and when they succeeded in capturing Instability, Instability lashed out. Instability became Unstable. Instability put more illnesses into the world and it was who Instability set more disorders loose and Instability was the one who sent the world into chaos. Instability became Chaos.