
I'm speechless. Lmao. 


@azzlanne ~Starin' at you, standin' there, in that dreeess~


Hello po!
          I'm an aspiring author and I just want to share po my story with you. Although, I just started it, I still want to share it as early as now. I hope I won't disappoint you with my story. But if may time po sana kayo, please feel free to read po. Its much appreciated po talaga. Thank you!



Uhm hi!How are you?No matter how hard life is...always remember to start your day with positivity. Ask God for guidance to bless your day, offer everything to Him. Tell your self that today's gonna be great. Tell yourself that you are enough. You are loved. Regardless of the mistakes you've done. You're Fine. Everyday you become better. For everything's just passing. Nothing will stay forever! Relationships, valued things, wealth and even our problems—all is just temporary. Let go of what makes your heart heavy. Move on and for today another brand new day. To start. To love again. To believe again. To be happy again! Live. This day won't come again. Yes there are many tomorrow but my friend, believe me or not, you'll never have this day again. Live your life as if it's your last. Just keep breathing. Just keep going. Good morning and POSITIVE VIBES!


The moment when you first wake up in the morning is the most wonderful of the twenty-four hours. No matter how weary or dreary you may feel, you possess the certainty that, during the day that lies before you, absolutely anything may happen. And the fact that it practically always doesn't, matters not a jot. The possibility is always there. ~Monica Baldwin
          Good morning! ✨☕✨


I'm speechless. Lmao. 


@azzlanne ~Starin' at you, standin' there, in that dreeess~