
Hi everyone! 
          	It's been a while! I've been busy :)
          	I've decided to write a new fanfic called 'The Gambler's Defeat', it's a Percy Jackson fanfic! The prologue is out right now! (I spent a while writing it and editing wise). 
          	Make sure to read the authors note for any future things! 
          	- L


Hi everyone! 
          It's been a while! I've been busy :)
          I've decided to write a new fanfic called 'The Gambler's Defeat', it's a Percy Jackson fanfic! The prologue is out right now! (I spent a while writing it and editing wise). 
          Make sure to read the authors note for any future things! 
          - L


Hello everyone!
          Just letting you know that I'll be completely revamping my WP account! Which includes changing my username and alias on here.. I will keep Emetophobia up to read (I also plan to update it in the near future, and happy one year anniversary to me writing the first chapter!) I will now be using the username @Qwee125_ :)
          I hope this makes sense to you all and you all have a good rest of your day/afternoon or night!
          - Elytra or Qwee!




Holy moly, I haven't been this inactive in a while!
          Sorry I haven't updated Emetophobia since Feburary, I haven't really had the motivation/time to go onto WP to write, since I've been writing another one of my stories  and been busy with school and everything. 
          I will try to be more active soon, it may take a while to fully come back writing though. 
          - Elytra


Hello everyone!
          Sorry I have been so inactive on here! I've been busy with stuff, sadly I'll still be gone for sometime, I've decided Emetophobia's been put on hold in this time, (even though there was a MASSIVE cliffhanger last chapter). I'll be back soon hopefully :))
          - Elytra


About my currently writing books:
          Emetophobia is a part of a 3 book trilogy written by @lizardthewizardddd (Book 2 comes out when Emetophobia is finished), about a group of 3 friends called Siobhan, MJ and Francisco/Franny. Each book is written in their POV of having the phobia they have, of how they got it from their point of view, and their current life with the phobia with the 2 other characters. Siobhan Macintosh is the main character/POV in Emetophobia (Book 1). MJ Holmes is the main character/POV in Trypophobia (Book 2) and Franny/Francisco Holmes is the main character/POV in Foniasophobia (Book 3). 
          T.H.A.S.D (The Hide and Seek Division) is a Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus Hide and Seek AU, written by @lizardthewizardddd, about on your 17th birthday you receive a red or blue mark whether your a seeker or a hider. Percy Jackson is a seeker. Annabeth Chase is a hider. What will Percy Jackson do?