
English Translation Of ''THE HOLY QUR'AN''  has reached #288 in Spiritual. Jazakumullah khayr (may God reward you).
          	I hope it reaches #1 inshaAllah, let's all be a reason for many to read it.


@znpmr98 ameeeeeeeen sister. InshaAllah me and you


@OWOLABS Wa alaykum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh sister. Ameen. No problem, no need to thank me.
          I am really really really sorry for not fulfilling what I said. I've been busy with exams but now that I'm on holiday I'll do it inshaAllah. I ended up forgetting as well. I am really sorry again for my shortcomings, I'll do it as soon as possible.
          Jazakillah khayran.


Assalamu alaykum. So, as we all know, Al-aksa mosque is under occupation by the Israeli forces and the only ones fighting this battle are the Palestinians. It's a shame that we people, specifically muslims have become this IGNORANT. Palestinians are being oppressed yet EVERYONE is silent! Aren't they human beings? Don't your hearts ache when you see this happenening? Or is it normal to see people dying DAILY and not act because, you know, those lives don't matter? PEOPLE WAKE UP!! It's enough seeing injustice being practiced against those people without US being shaken emotionally!! Put yourself in their place. What if you were being beaten up badly in front of your family? What if it were you being taken to jail apart from your children? What if it were your mother being slapped till she falls to the ground? What if it were your sister being pushed from her clothes for no reason? What if it were your child being killed in front of you cold blooded? All of this with NO REASON, just for the sake of oppression. I challenge you to handle this without complaining. You'll definitely fail. Let's just stop following what actress X wore for this party and who singer Y is dating and where has player Z gone for holiday and let's just look at what is happening in the other side of the world. Let's listen to what others have to say about their situation and try helping them. Let's stand against oppression everywhere and speak for Al-aksa. They're in desperate help at this precise moment you're reading this. At least for me, and Allah is a witness, I only have dua as a helping hand. Forget about what brand you should wear to impress your friends because there are human beings waiting for US to go for their rescue.
          Please post #I_Stand_With_Palestine in all your social media accounts and as a response to this message to help raise consciousness. You will be asked on the day of judgement about what you have done to help your brothers and sisters.


@amynah4444 ameen, jazakillah khayr for the support.


@b3auti5ul_p3arl walaikum asaalam jazakAllah for the reminder, i pray for all the muslim ummah that are going throu their hard times,May Allah swt releive their pain and sufferings Aameen #I_Stand_With_Palestine #I_Stand_With_Kashmir #I_Stand_With_Syria #I_Stand_With_Gaza #I_Stand_With_Burma #I_Stand_With_Rohingya


Assalamu alaykum everyone, I hope you all are in the best state of health (why not :), it's RAMADAN everybody *cheering*). RAMADAN MUBARAK!!! So let's try and be more productive this Ramadan and generate our time in reaing Qur'an, making 'thikr' and asking for Allah's mercy and forgiveness, and most importantly to grant us His highest ranks of Jannah. Please don't forget me in your duas and our brothers and sisters who are currently in hardship, they really need our prayer and in this blessed month, our duas are certainly going to be accepted (if it is a sincere dua).


Happy at least a week anniversary of Ramadan! I lose track of what day it is when summer begins, which doesn't happen during school (thankfully)