
Hey all, I just added a poem called “Walls.” Tonight was pretty rough and I poured every thing into those 12 lines:) Hope you guys like it, and get the metaphor behind it <3


Hey bestie I just wanted to say that you're my most favorite person in the world! Thank you for making me who I am and showing me what true love feels like❤❤
          P.S. srry for using your photo shoot photo for my pfp but I just couldn't resist cuz you lool.so good it it


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Hi everyone, I updated again. This poem hits different. Lil’ pep talk: you’re not too young. You’re not too young to speak your mind, you’re not too young to do the right thing, you’re not too young to be smarter than those older than you, you’re not too young to have a voice, and you’re not too young to matter. That is BULLSHIT that we’re told by adults who feel threatened by our maturity. Look at Malala, Greta, Ruby Bridges, the list goes on forever. We have important things to say, lets say them.


80 strangers have read my work. Wow. I’m so grateful for each and every one of you and can’t wait for more lovely people to read my poetry. Praying that my words touch just one person. If you’re that one, I’m writing to you and you alone. Much love