
* ⸝⸝⸝   cb & specify <3
          	&&  lmk if you'd like to plot!


/    curious   or   amused   pls   ! < 3


/   something funny idk


you're not supposed to be here.


ID.  @bIoodrun
            *  emma's smile only widened at the realization of the other's familial tie && his subsequent abilities .  a beautiful mind ,  to be sure .  *
            oh .  we have our hands in every pie .  started off anti-mutant way back in the 1800s && now ,  well ,  things have evolved to be superior .  as for xavier ,  he holds a distaste for everything that brings potential into action --  such as putting a telepathic block onto his / finest / student so she doesn't ever reach his level .  


@frcsts     ───   〝 LITTLE   PET—-     [    he   took   the   glass   as   a   mixture   of   shock   and   frustration   ran   over   him.   the   telepath   felt   the   touch   of   her   abilities   but   kept   his   mind   open.   he   had   nothing   to   hide.    ]     i   don't   do   anything   for   my   father,   thanks.   like   i   said,   i   wanted   to   know   more.   like,   why   you   guys   get   under   his   skin.   had   to   be   something   good.   substance?   what   exactly   are   you   looking   for   here?


ID.  @bIoodrun
            b&e ?  how droll .  
            *  emma tilted her head ,  reaching through with her powers .  it wasn't something that required deep concentration ,  so she poured herself a glass of wine in the meantime and offered another glass to the other .  *
            one of xavier's little pets ?  didn't think the man had it in him .  can't imagine what you'd get up to fraternizing with / the hellfire club / .  now ,  do you have something of substance or are you to keep wasting my time ?  my girls have a show in ten minutes ,  darling .


you know you shouldn't be doing that.


@movesmetal    ───   〝 nothing   that   dear   ole'   dad   can't   fix,   huh? 〟


@bIoodrun   *   something is going to get broken.


this message may be offensive
logan’s body was filled with that familiar feeling of adrenaline and rage.  the kind that fed more closely with a side of himself he’d rather keep buried underneath forgotten memories.   his eyes were blown wide, adamantium claws that shined within the light.  always ever so sharp, slightly drenched in what seemed to be blood.  his sense were sharp and he couldn’t remember how he got there.   
          the fall air was nice against his too warm skin, the smells of the outside mixed with the slight sweetness of something else.   logan couldn’t well remember, it was all a brief fog as he swallowed something thick down his throat.  his steps shaken, claws slowly retracted back to their place.   the pain shot up from his hands to his shoulders.  it slowly ebbed away.   whiskey. that’s what he needed, something to burn down his throat.  
          blown out eyes settled on the figure in front of him, they seemed familiar.     “ the fuck are you looking at?  “ 
          ;; ahhhhh i hope this is good!


@metaIbones       ✩      silas   swirled   a   drink   of   his   own   in   his   hand,   blue   eyes   laced   with   amusement   at   the   other's   state.   it   was   quite   funny   to   the   xavier   to   see   the   roles   reversed   now.   granted,   he   was   pretty   deep   into   his   drinks   so   maybe   it   wasn't   AS   funny   as   it   was   appearing   to   be,   but   still   the   fact   remained.
                  he'd   been   looking   for   an   escape   himself.   he   needed   something   to   dull   the   edges   of   his   reality.   something   to   bring   a   little   light   back   to   the   bleak   reality   he   battled   with.   and   here   he   was,   satiating   that   craving   with   booze,   other   numbing   agents,   and,   more   than   likely,   company   whose   names   he   wouldn't   remember.   those   parts   came   later   though.
                   "what   were   those   wise   words   again—-   / calm   down /?   "   he   smirked   to   himself,   taking   a   sip   from   the   clear   glass.   "was   just   looking   to   see   what   the   cat   dragged   in.   turns   out   it   was   you.   "   he   hummed,   turning   back   to   the   bottle   and   pouring   more   into   his   glass.
            ⸝⸝⸝   always  is!!


just be quiet.   i can't think when you're talking.


@lacrymosas       ✩      i   can't   give   you   my   oath   on   that   one,   but   i'll   see   what   i   can.