
`    i feel like making an actual alucard    :') 


worried that i'll kill ya?  that's unlike you beasts.


@bIoodurges    ♰    you get to see me,  isn't that the best?    [a hand pressed against his waist,  palm drawn towards the whip and chain that rested against his belt.]    darlin'?  oh,  aren't you just tryin' to win my heart over.


@burythemgone,           lucky?  i don't see how any of this is lucky on my part.  [  the blonde vampire says, rubbing his forehead before speaking again.  ]   kill me? go ahead and try, darling. 


@bIoodurges    ♱    as humorous as one can be.  aren't ya lucky to be seein' such a golden face?    [a hand goes to rub against his jaw,  a light grunt.]    a real pest,  ain't i?  but i don't think i'm the worst company,  but i might have to kill ya.


are those..  fangs..? 


(      her      breath      hitched,      a      delicate      gasp      slipping      past      her      lips      as      pain      bloomed      at      the      point      of      contact.      her      lips      trembled,      her      lashes      dampening      as      unshed      tears      welled      in      her      eyes.      it      hurt—sharp,      searing,      unfamiliar.      yet,      she      did      not      pull      away.      if      anything,      she      clung      to      him      tighter,      her      fingers      weakly      grasping      at      his      clothing      as      if      anchoring      herself.      a      fragile      whimper      threatened      to      escape,      but      she      swallowed      it      down,      her      body      wavering      between      lightheadedness      and      resolve.      it      wasn’t      that      much,      she      told      herself,      even      as      she      felt      her      strength      slip      just      a      little.      )


@doIlicesque,              [  in a mere second, his fangs gently pierced her skin, the first human blood he's had in months;  her blood was absolutely divine already.   ]  mmm.  [  he'd simply hum, slowly taking the crimson substance from her body, a delicate hand moved to rest by her hip while the other perched itself on her shoulder, holding there.  ]   don't scream, it'll be okay, my darling.  


(      it      was      no      lie      that      fear      lingered      in      the      quiet      corners      of      her      heart,      threading      itself      between      her      breaths,      curling      beneath      her      ribs.      but      even      so,      she      did      not      pull      away.      she      did      not      waver.      instead,      she      remained      there,      unwavering      in      her      trust,      in      the      quiet      belief      that      he      would      not      truly      harm      her.       her      lashes      fluttered      like      the      wings      of      a      butterfly      before      finally      settling      closed,      her      delicate      features      bathed      in      quiet      surrender.      the      faintest      shiver      traced      down      her      spine,      but      she      only      tilted      her      head      slightly,      offering      him      the      soft      curve      of      her      neck,      waiting      for      the      moment      his      fangs      would      pierce      into      her      skin.      )