I truly recommend The Brutalist with all my heart, such an important film!! yes, I might be a bit biased bc I'm a Hungarian jew and I've never felt more seen and represented my whole life, but no really, I believe this is cinema:')
really thinking about writing a rivals fic, i just don't know if i should do an age-gap rupert one (turst me on this) or bas baddingham's twin sister (independent hot mom business owner girlboss) x declan OR both in the same fic...and I already have two wonderful face claims:)))
I adore the original cast with all my heart, but I would pay to see Peaky Blinders with actual Romani actors. I mean it's a bit hard to believe that fair-skinned blue-eyed WHITE people are being called slurs and experiencing oppression, and I'm not from the UK so I don't know, but Romani people here in Eastern Europe do not look like that. (give us real Romani representation!!)
@0ldmoney23 me too! I wish they included that. I feel like Esme is the only one that looked like she could pass as Romani, maybe with more olive skin? maybe Polly too.
The Shelby’s come from an Irish traveller AND Romani background, makes sense because him and Johnny Dogs are technically cousins, so I’m guessing that’s probably where the fair skinned traits make sense but I would definitely like to see more Romani representation from characters when they touch on their gypsy roots in the show.
I just binged both seasons of The white lotus and I’m obsessed. I’ve literally never seen a this well-written show and characters like what?? Mike White, thank you for your service and Jennifer Coolidge, you’re a fucking legend.