
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I have finally decided to re-upload My Habit at Slenderman's Mansion story. I'm certain that it will be relatively easy to find. I have not added anything else to it but I will soon. Thank you for anyone who has been waiting for it.


TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I have finally decided to re-upload My Habit at Slenderman's Mansion story. I'm certain that it will be relatively easy to find. I have not added anything else to it but I will soon. Thank you for anyone who has been waiting for it.


Hey guys. My account has been compromised so I'm taking off my stories and rendering it almost completely inactive indefinitely. A new profile will be up and I haven't yet decided if I will be sharing my new username. Everything on this account will be put on hold. I apologize for this inconvenience.


Okay, so I finished a chapter to one of my stories, connect to the Wi-Fi so I could post it, then find out that it's gone. Over 1000 words and five hours, wasted. Uuuugh.
          'Scuse me while I mentally kill my brain and the internet.


Person (to me): You need to eat more. You're anorexic.
          Me: -Googles anorexic. Anorexia pops up-
          a lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition).
               an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.
          noun: anorexia nervosa; plural noun: anorexia nervosas
          Me: READ DIS! -slams phone in their face- I can eat a freaking horse and STILL have room for dessert!!!!
          There is no flipping way I can miss a meal Especially two. I'll end go fuckin Wendigo on someone. It's a helluva lot safer for living creatures if this beast is fed.
          JUST SAYIN'
          Moral of this: ........
          Idfk. I forgot why I even began posting it.


What do you guys say about an SCP story?


@00SpookyHornets00 xD okay. I'll attempt to make one but with all the other projects I have, it'll take a bit to write.