Finally updating next week !!! Sorry for the slump i was in but im starting to get back to writing. I have a TON of stories in the works!! So look forward to the ending of Come Through and Chill and the start of new fic :)
Finally updating next week !!! Sorry for the slump i was in but im starting to get back to writing. I have a TON of stories in the works!! So look forward to the ending of Come Through and Chill and the start of new fic :)
thanks for 8k reads :”) i’ve been busy with school but i havent forgotten about yall or this story!! i still plan on writing it, i have like 2?3? chapters left till its done so!
Hey guys! I’ve been having stomach issues for weeks so I haven’t been in the mood to write. But im finally getting help so hopefully i can have a chapter done by next week. Sorry for the lag :(