listen to Body Terror Song by AJJ. I find it comforting, but it may be triggering for others (their are no specific references of any specific ailments, but it may stir up certain uncomfy feelings and cause tears- I would read some comments before pressing play) It's a comfort/sad/good cry song for just any overall pain/mental/gender-related pain experience. I strongly recommend just putting on the one hour version that some Absolute Angel posted on YouTube, sitting in a closet/blanket-burrito-situation and just sobbing/vibing violently and without apology.
The Song:
I'm so sorry that you have to have a body
I'm so sorry that you have to have a body, oh yeah
I'm very sorry that you have to have a body
One that will hurt you, and be the subject of so much of your fear
It will betray you, be used against you, then it'll fail on you my dear
But before that, you'll be a doormat, for every vicious narcissist in the world
Oh how they'll screw you, all up and over, then feed you silence for dessert
I'm so sorry that you have to have a body
So very sorry that you have to have a body, oh yeah
I'm sorry that you have to have a body
Filled with infection
One hundred scabs singing in unison
Eyes and hands, sometimes bullets,
Uninvited, passing through us
Uninvited, passing through us
I'm sorry that you have to have a body
I'm sorry that you have to have a body
The lyrics repeat over and over again, and I posted it so you can read them before hand and decide for yourself if you wanna listen.