


Hello there! 
          if you dont want people posting their book, you can delete this post :) thank you for your time reading 
          However if you want to read romance books, my friend here wants to improve her writing skills and wanted to share her world through advertizing her book called HER  by wtf11gray If you do not like to read romance you can always visit her poetry: insomniac poetry, mr and ms poetry 


Hello there my friend wants to improve her writing skils and wanted to share her world through advertizing her book called HER- It is her first romance book where the main cast Cassy lavern met a man by the carraga cliff called Xavier dawn. If you do not like to read romance you can always visit her poetry: insomniac poetry, mr and ms poetry 


Okay! Thank you for telling me! I will check it out, though im not very good at writing so i dont think i could give her good advice


BROOO I JUST FOUND YOU AGAIN! HELL YA i got logged out of my old account (bakugoisahoe) and I don’t remember my password but I made a new one and now I’m back!!!


your profile pocture is haunting me