
World War I can be loosely defined as Queen Victoria’s arrogant grandchildren began the war. 


@babayagagirl ha I got it. The hostility was already built among the nations so  the constitutional monarchs couldn't do much. 
          	  If you wouldn't mind I want to know your opinion regarding Edward 8th  and his nazi affiliations.


@Historyloverhoney the war would have happened regardless. Wilhelm II had a really bad relationship with his grandmother, his mother and also his uncle, Edward VII and cheery on top his cousin George V. Secondly, he apparently suffered from a mental illness , quite possibly Pophyria which he inherited from George III. He was also a narcissistic. 
          	  Also, British Monarch has been powerless since 1800s and Victoria suffered from severe depression due to her husband’s death. She wouldn’t have done anything. 
          	  The most she could have done was prevent the killing of Nicholas II and his family’s execution. 


World War I can be loosely defined as Queen Victoria’s arrogant grandchildren began the war. 


@babayagagirl ha I got it. The hostility was already built among the nations so  the constitutional monarchs couldn't do much. 
            If you wouldn't mind I want to know your opinion regarding Edward 8th  and his nazi affiliations.


@Historyloverhoney the war would have happened regardless. Wilhelm II had a really bad relationship with his grandmother, his mother and also his uncle, Edward VII and cheery on top his cousin George V. Secondly, he apparently suffered from a mental illness , quite possibly Pophyria which he inherited from George III. He was also a narcissistic. 
            Also, British Monarch has been powerless since 1800s and Victoria suffered from severe depression due to her husband’s death. She wouldn’t have done anything. 
            The most she could have done was prevent the killing of Nicholas II and his family’s execution. 


Is watching Shin Chan in your 20s not normal? 


But she doesn’t understand 


@Divyansh16 that’s what I tell my mother 


I will never understand why Rekha-Amitabh’s extra marital affair is so romanticised. 


@babayagagirl my guess is pretty privilege.  If the wife is pretty according to public she gets the sympathy and support but if the public like the man whore and mistress,  then they get support and the wife is ridiculed.


I don’t think have Americans have any right to preach on women rights considering they elected a convicted rapist.


@babayagagirl since few weeks I have been watching videos regarding US Presidents,  trust me most of them are sexual offenders especially stories about JFK and Bill Clinton made me puke .
            I was shocked regarding how come that country which lectures others regarding women's rights elect Presidents who misbehave ( in some cases grooming and rape involved) with women ?


@babayagagirl he is even in epistein list but somehow got out of it , I thought you were refering to hush money case in which he was convicted in that the girl accusef him of affair. 
            Nevertheless his behavior hasn't changed  , he got new PR to get some good image 
            . I remember that story poor Ivana even got plastic surgery to set her face after the assault.  Good for her she divorced him. 
            Seriously presidential candidates should have few qualifications like no criminal cases and history of sexual misconduct.


@Historyloverhoney he used to enter the dressing room of Miss USA and Miss teen USA when the participants used to be undressed or getting ready and he boosted about seeing them naked in 2005, which is more than a decade ago since he contested first. Additionally he has been accused by more than 25 women of sexual misconduct but got away with each one of them. 


A free not needed advice to all my followers, if anyone ever suggests you to watch ‘Indiana Jones : The temple of doom’ movie. Don’t ever watch it. The movie reeks of hinduphobia and indophobia. It’s disgusting, unlike slumdog millionaire which at least had some reality to it. 


@babayagabond well if it's like that, I'm not gonna watch it for sure. As where I'd rant up all the frustration and anger I'd feel while watching the movie, afterwards!! :)
            How even ppl make such type of movies! Spreading hate publicly. 


@Vishamrita it’s not even hinduphobia in the movie, it reeks of indophobia. Let me correct myself, it’s not even phobia it’s the stereotypical depiction of Indians in the movie which will disgust anyone be it you are a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or from any religion. Indians are portrayed as savages in the movie who are cannibals, who eat eyeballs etc. gauge out heart from bodies what not. 
            That movie is disrespectful to Indian people. Thankfully, it’s banned but people can still access it courtesy of ott and piracy. 


@babayagabond, well, it's happening like that everywhere. We are just being "peaceful." Avoiding everything. 
            While our religion has nothing that'd make one being phobic of something. It literally gives so much freedom unlike others bound with rules n regulations. And still ppl of our own religion don't leave a stone unturned in tarnishing it or criticising it. 