If I can ask of one thing. one thing that I hope will make everything better. and that one thing, it to just close your eyes and enjoy life. its very hard to over come. but I promise there is always a better future. because think of life as an arrow. it's gonna pull and hold you back till you can't go any further. stretch you limits a mental mind cannot comprehend. but sooner or later, you're gonna be shot forward, and you're not only gonna fly, you're gonna sore,and then you shall see just how beautiful this world is. I want you to never give up. ever. my one goal in life is to not only do music, but to help you through your struggles and pain. because I also have been at that lowest point and stretched and pushed to my breaking point. and you guys set me free file all that pain. and now it's my turn to do the same for you. I wanna make your life better. no matter what I gotta do. I will make you feel just how much you are loved. and I'm not gonna stop till you do. I love you.