Hey guys, so, first of all, I haven't actually been here in a long time, I've been way too busy with school, especially since it's my senior year, I've gotten too busy to write as much as I used to, and it honestly became a struggle to come on here daily or even weekly to /try/ and update, I have my college acceptance exams soon, as well as, college admissions, so I'm not gonna be as free as used to, that being said I'm officially going on rest here, I had fun meeting most of you guys, I had fun reading and writing in this app, but I really can't just stay here all the time. However, I will come back occasionally to support my friends/favourite authors since it's what they deserve

@eremeunjungoo I will! thank you so much, you're being way too nice and sweet, I'll miss being here, but I will support your books because that's it's what a talented queen deserves <3

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@koyasmom honestly, from one senior to another, good fucking luck, I hope you pass with flying colours love

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@babiejimi understandable, please take care of yourself! remember to drink enough fluids and rest when you need it, college admissions/exams are nasty stress monsters but you can fight them off! i believe in you! you are amazing, intelligent, and capable and if you ever need to vent about shit to me never hesitate to gallop into my PMs. also, stay safe and healthy! <3