this message may be offensive
So guys... I finally finished OTLS. Is there anyone left who even still reads it? if yes, then I'm sorry that it has taken so long and I hope you don' hate me for it, but I wouldn't blame you if you did. Anyway, I hope you like it and totally comment and vote if you want to.
On another note, I've posted a few oneshots that I wrote a while ago and posted on AO3, they're kind of sad and depressing, but they're worth the read, I promise. I hope you check them out and give them a vote maybe.
But see, I told you I hadn't abandoned you :)
I'm going to try and work on reintorducing some of the other stories I had up on my other account that I had connected with my twitter, it's been fucking forever since I've done anything with those, but I'm going to see what I can do.