this message may be offensive
hi everyone. it’s been awhile ahahaha..... i’ve been inactive for a long time now and i plan to stay that way. i was very disappointed in tyler’s actions and josh’s support of said actions. i will no longer be updating my stories or using this account. i might come back every once in a while to see what’s going on, but that’s it. i know it’s been a hot sec since the drama happened but i just didn’t know what to say or do. i was torn. i know what’s right and that is to no longer support them. with that being said,,,thank you for reading my terrible stories. i cherished every single comment and everyone who voted. i wish you all a long happy life. things are really fucking rough right now but i believe that we can get through it. stay safe, mask up and if you can please vote! i adore you all! i love you, muah <3 - jaydin xoxo (if you wanna keep in touch my insta is @honeychildjay and my twt is @punkerjeno :D)

@babyboyjish awww hon tysmmm. we support yu! we stan a queen tehee. and thanks for the support again hon. this world deserves more ppl like you.

@ImNotShae hi sia!! thank you for your sweet message. im stuck on the idea of supporting them or not. i hyper fixated on them so letting them go is hard :/ i was a fan from the beginning as well :( i’ll just wait and see how everything plays out. also im glad i lifted ur mood and please please please don’t blame yourself on ur grandpa passing. you were in no control of that. i am so so so sorry for your loss lovely. know that he will always be with you. once again thank you for your message. i wish you the best. ily lots <3 xoxo