"Tell everyone about yourself"

Well, okay.
I'm a sophmore in high school.
I'm in multiple fandoms;
i basically like everything tbh.
Idk where i'd without the internet.

if you want to read anything i write, i suggest you read 'broken halos' its the only series and the first book ive written. my other books arent as great as broken halos.
  • InscritFebruary 25, 2013

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babyjamesbond babyjamesbond May 31, 2015 11:42PM
i have been writing a kai parker story "broken halos" and im really trying to make it kinda lengthy and fun to read. Im a very descriptive writer bc i want everyone to know whats happening for better...
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Histoires par BABY JAMES BOND
Vacant luxury {Kai Parker} par babyjamesbond
Vacant luxury {Kai Parker}
Part two in the series of "broken halos" Malachai parker and karma martin being their typical dark...
broken halos {kai parker} par babyjamesbond
broken halos {kai parker}
malachai parker and karma martin; for the first time meeting they didn't know they had a past to discuss. the...
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