Introducing Seanice Woods, the enigmatic literary powerhouse better known as Niecy or Nia The Most High. Hailing from the gritty streets of Detroit, Michigan, this 24-year-old wordsmith has captured the hearts of Wattpad readers with her soul-stirring writing.

Seanice's journey as a storyteller began at a tender age of 11, when her pen first danced across the pages of her diary. Little did she know that her raw talent and uncensored emotions would soon become her signature style. One of her renowned works, "A Thug Changed My Mind," stands as a testament to her ability to delve deep into the human psyche and craft narratives that are as compelling as they are thought-provoking.

But Seanice doesn't stop at writing alone. She possesses a poetic soul that spills effortlessly into her rapping, infusing her verses with raw truth and unapologetic lyricism. With every track, she paints vivid pictures of her experiences, mesmerizing listeners with her captivating flow.

Unbeknownst to many, Seanice's journey has not been without its challenges. Battling a crippling writer's block for eight long years, she refused to let adversity define her. Ever the seeker of new forms of expression, she found solace and inspiration in the world of "oracle reading," where she taps into her intuition and provides profound insights to those seeking guidance.

With each word she pens, each rhyme she spits, and each oracle reading she performs, Seanice Woods continues to captivate the hearts and minds of those who cross her path. Her journey is one of authenticity, resilience, and unyielding passion. Dive into her captivating world on Wattpad and prepare to be spellbound by the magnetic force that is Niecy, aka Nia The Most High.
  • Detroit
  • JoinedAugust 8, 2014

Last Message
Babynie__ Babynie__ Mar 06, 2019 07:58PM
The fact that y’all only support one of my books really hurt my feelings. I know y’all been waiting for A Thug Changed My Mind part 3 but when I ask y’all to read something else y’all don’t support...
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