
Hey guys!
          	So I've decided to rewrite the Unfinished Business series in my native language (Bahasa Indonesia) and I will leave the posted chapters in English here, I won't delete them.
          	Honestly, it's already been written up to chapter 6 in my file but I notice it's somewhat fruitless. I really love the story, I still want to finish it but in my native language. I know this decision won't sadden anyone.
          	So, yeah, and thank you to you guys who already gave this story votes or wrote comments.


Hey guys!
          So I've decided to rewrite the Unfinished Business series in my native language (Bahasa Indonesia) and I will leave the posted chapters in English here, I won't delete them.
          Honestly, it's already been written up to chapter 6 in my file but I notice it's somewhat fruitless. I really love the story, I still want to finish it but in my native language. I know this decision won't sadden anyone.
          So, yeah, and thank you to you guys who already gave this story votes or wrote comments.


Hi guys! I hope it's not too late to say Happy New Year, may this year will fill our hearts with joy and more love.
          So I'm writing a series but at the same time, I'm taking a break, which means I haven't posted the finished chapters yet. It's halfway done but unfortunately, I'm doubting myself to continue. I'm so excited about this story that I've been working on for months, but uhm... should I post the prologue first? I don't plan to post the ch 1 soon. not yet. but I just wanna know what you think if that's okay. I'm kinda losing the spirit to keep writing.


If posting will help lift your spirits then you should! Do what’s best for you and your energy and don’t worry about people’s reactions - it’ll work out okay ^_^


just in case you're wondering, I'm taking a break from posting fics until I don't know when, but I won't call it hiatus since I'm still here for interaction and have fun. Definitely won't post till next year but which month I'll start again, I don't know. 1st quarter maybe. But I'm still writing in the back, don't worry, and maybe post them all at once. A break is much needed for now. Thank you for understanding and have a nice day ❤️


@Trickster_707 aww thank you so much ❤


@CamilaBrito9 thank you so much sweet 


@babyportgas Rest well and take your time! Have a nice day too❤️


I am wondering how many of you who also have an account on Tumblr and/or AO3, also considering keeping this account or not.


@babyportgas I have both tumblr and AO3, I also like that here I can comment more, but I guess there are different publics in each one


@Demented_Delights that's interesting to know. Again, I don't know much about this platform, but I thought Wattpad was more open about the things we write than Tumblr. I was planning on writing darker stories and posting them here only but maybe I should reconsider where to post.


@babyportgas I have one on all 3, and honestly, I have different audiences on all 3. I do like all the platforms, honestly, but you also have to remember, I am insane.


Hi. I'm still new to being here and as a writer, and I can't thank you enough for reading, voting, and commenting on my fics. I still write, but maybe just a bit slower. I've been minimizing and keep telling myself that I'm not good enough.
          As you know, Wattpad is not my main platform to post fics. But I'm here because I believe people are so generous to give interaction and/or feedback. Like other writers, I really need that. I don't want to spread my anxiety or make it sound so sad, but I have to admit that lacking interaction brings me to the point where I don't think I should write more often.
          Yeah, I finally gather my courage to say it, and I just want to let it out of my system. I will still post my writing here, and I'm sorry for making you wait longer for updates. 


@SaeNoodle I'm not going anywhere and still write ❤️ but maybe slower than before


I’m so sad to hear this. I love your writings a lot :( Please know you’re one of my faves


@babyportgas I get it. I get disheartened with the lack of interaction on my own stuff too. In everyone else's defense regarding mine, I'm currently just posting theories instead of stories. 
            Wattpad does provide a uniquely golden opportunity in that readers can interact with authors directly. I see two ways to look at the lack of interaction, and I hope one of these ways will help you. The first way to look at this, is that it's nothing you've done but it is still the readers' loss. 
            They are letting a golden opportunity to interact with an author slip through their fingers like grains of sand. How many of us would kill to be able to post comments on each paragraph of our favorite authors that we grew up on or read in school? And here these readers are, letting you pass them by. They're the ones missing out, not you. You're not writing for those buffoons.
            The second way to look at it, and I think this may be the predominant case, is that the readers suffer from a similar anxiety to you. You get anxious to the point of not wanting to write. What if your readers got anxious to the point of not wanting to comment? 
            There have been times where I don't comment because I'm afraid I'm leaving too many notifications for the poor author (like for Quinloki), or I'm afraid my opinion is too niche and no one will like it (like my favoritism of Arlong or my strong dislike for Usopp & Nami). 
            Sometimes, I'm just not comfortable commenting on large portions of writing because it's something I skim (I actually skim the lemony bits no matter who wrote it). The readers might be nervous or scared or anxious or uncomfortable. Maybe voting is the best some of them can do or just reading to give you views. 
            No matter the reason for why they have or have not interacted, the number one rule of writing is to write for YOURSELF. Write the stories you want to read, alter the canon the way you want it to be. Write for you first & hopefully that helps with anxiety the best.


Hi all. You can call me Meg. 
          This is my first post here.
          Finally, I'm making time to copy-paste all my fics from Tumblr and/or AO3 here. I don't know much about Wattpad, and if any changes I make will give you updates/notifications, I'm so sorry.
          I'm mainly copying fics and changing covers here. Hope I'll give you all stories that make your day <3
          I'm also open to any kind of interaction. Feel free to ask or interact. Anything. Teach me how to use Wattpad, haha.
          Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!


@Demented_Delights Hi! Thank you for letting me know, that's a relief since I don't want to flood anyone's notifications from my updates. Also, I hope you enjoy my work ❤️


@babyportgas Hi Meg and welcome to Wattpad!
            Don't worry about notifications, if it makes you feel any better, I leave a plethora of notifications for authors because I commentate as I read. @Quinloki can vouch for this, they received a terrifying amount of notifications from me as I binge read several of their works in a row. 
            You will never give your followers as many notifications as I give the poor authors of Wattpad. 


@Quinloki Thank you ❤ at least I have you and others here I'm not alone 