
It's been a long time... hek yes... been busy .... Hope I can read good stories here


Hello hon, first of all let me say I'm mega chuffed that you love the Dark Sanctuary series, I really do love reading all your comments, it keeps me motivated to write more so thank you! 
          Secondly about Michael and Sarah.....I do understand your comments and there's nothing worse than an open ending when the writer doesn't come to any conclusion. I can't promise I will write too much about their lives AFTER all the adventures in Blood Wars but I will (hopefully) finish in a way that concludes the story. That doesn't give much away I know, but I suppose I just wouldn't want to be all bam-bam-bam with all the action and then just let the end fizzle away into nothing. As for Michael....your Michael lol ...... There will be more from him, but as it ultimately Sarah's story, it's very hard to write his POV unless it comes from what Sarah tells us he's said or done, if you see what I mean. 
          Anyway when I eventually get to the end, I hope it doesn't disappoint you and as always, I will look forward to your comments xoxo


@LittleCinnamon hi there again!!!  ahmmm, don't get me wrong about my comment earlier.....  sorry but I'm not very articulate lol :D    ahh like what I've said, I do love reading but the thing is.....   maybe the writer of some books/works here focused on the trials/ challenges that the couple is facing and right after overcoming everything....  ta-da!! FINISHED.....
          I don't want that to happen to Micahel and Sarah... Ahm, I'd love to know if they're going to have kids, is she going to become a vampire, are they going to be reunited with their friends (Marina) .... yeah those things..... haha... sorry quite demanding here eh......


@LittleCinnamon  hey!!! I've just read your message.... I feel so sorry if I replied so late!!!  I think it's the other way around.... I'm your number 1 FAN!!!  I don't know how much I owe you for creating that story..... It's really one of the best that I've read here!!!!!  so please try to upload more chapters......
          One thing I'd like to request though... I hope you would focus more on how Michael and Sarah will live their lives as couple after overcoming their challenges.........   I wanna see/read more of Michael's views towards Sarah........  
          hate to say this but some stories that I've read before are just good in the beginning... but at the end.. it's like.... incomplete or sumthin......