I know you found me already, @babyygirl_04, but I just wanted to put this out here for any other people passing by still looking for my last account, WingedKelpie. (You’re free to delete this if you want.)
Hi, it is I, Kelpie. Thanks to a lovely error in Wattpad’s system, my account access was removed and it was deleted not long after. I have a note/book on my profile explaining what happened in full detail, what my initial plans were over a year ago, and why I decided to stay on Wattpad.
I do plan to repost some of my works, but not all of them. I’m in the mist of reposting more edited and slightly altered versions of Break Me and Their Golden Rose right now, and it’s likely that the favorites such as the Domination Series and Anwyll’s story will be heavily edited while being reposted around early 2025. I have new stories on my page and there will be more to come shortly!
Much love,