


“ are you who i am supposed to meet? “ the male asked with a raised brow, hands shoved deeply into his pockets.  he ignored the soeakings of the king in his head for now, lightly annoyed but he would get over it.  maybe.  yuji’s head tilted slightly with narrowed eyes. 


the sudden act of dominance too the male by surprise. eyes widening slightly though he blushed and nodded his head.  grinding harder against him with fingers curled around the fabric of his shirt tightly.  breath caught in his throat feeling him play with his body so.  lips caught in the others with a heated kiss, deepening hum as clothes started to become too much for him. 
            [  @bachiataris  ]


@curseking     A breathless laugh would fall from his lips , finding amusement in the others eagerness . Slowly he would peel the blondes shirt off , trailing his digits up over the toned stomach , and over his nipples . “ are you sure you want this ?“ he would move to gently hold the others chin between his index finger and thumb , looking down at itadori as his dark depths smolder in the quickly darkening room , a hunger etched in those depths that was frighteningly close to eto’s . “ oh baby.. so hot for me .. did I get you all worked up?” His head would cock slightly to the side , before he would lean forward , slotting their parted lips together , tongue stroking the others . 


quick breaths left his lips feeling the others hips against his. how grew with such deep emotions that he could barely contain.  fingers curled softly as he shrugged moving his hips up further.    “ so? “ he questioned lightly tongue racing across his neck with a deep threaded hum. 
            [  @bachiataris  ]


“ might i ask what you doing exactly? “ the cursed king wore a robe with a brow raised. the first to see him in such a relaxed state, head tilted with a slight chuckle leaving his lips.  eyes moving up and down as he moved closer to the other. 


@curseking      Something happens with shio’s eyes , one seeming to sharpen , the shape morphing till it was vulpine , definitely belonging to the curse as the previous mouth melts back into skin . “ I said stop, he simply doesn’t want you to get exorcised , no need for cruelty when six eyes is mentioned .” Their voices are talking over each other , vocal cords straining under the strong requirement . “ if your going to touch , then do it here.” Eto would grab one of sukuna’s hand , slipping it up and under the layers of silk , till both of their clawed digits wrap around the vessels already hard and wanting cock . Shio’s cheeks heat in response . 


still the domain obeyed its master, curling and shuddering over them, skulls that seemed to jitter together to stare.  truly sukuna was a new age god.  a powerful one yet eto brought a brow to be raised.  now that he finally made himself known, to speak to the other with a simple command.  hand released with fingers moving softly, pulling the human closer to his body, soft flirting leaving his lips.     “ and if i don’t stop? “ he questioned hands exploring the other so slowly, it was torture.  claws dragging on skin but no harm was actually given.   “ i like you both, why not toy for a bit? “ 
            [  @bachiataris  ]


@curseking   Even the human shudders , though blood does trickle down his face from where his skin was being punctured . “ okay .” he’s helpless , Eto having offered no help , and despite them both experiencing the pain . A mouth does open under his eye , fanged teeth gritted . “ don’t toy with him ryomen .” Shio would startle just a bit , having not heard eto’s voice since they had entered the domain . “Eto-San?” 


is this your first kill ..?   you seem to not have the stomach for this.


@OV3RSTIM       I don’t have a strong stomach for killing kids . 


good then.  so what’s the matter ?


@OV3RSTIM     No … not.. not my first . 


hey,  your  cursed  weapon’s  pretty  cool!  mind  if  i  take  a   look  at  it? 


@cockycurse    The Kusaru blade? Ah it’s a cursed relic from my clan , I’m its second wielder . I guess that doesn’t count since the first wielder was the curse currently inhabiting it . 


…  well,   that’s  rather,  er,  /interesting/.  but  what  is  it,  exactly? 


@cockycurse    Ah — that might not be the best idea , it uh starts to rot anything that isn’t me or the sheath it touches . But you can definitely look closer ! 


@himbot      Shio would stiffen straight , eyes wide like a wild animal caught in headlights , he would jerk back in surprise , a strangled noise leaving his slender throat . “ ha—?! How exactly do I convince you ? .. your the first person to look at me like I’m not a murderer . It’s.. refreshing . “