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So I have this art teacher that I HATE also she probably hates me. A lot of stuff happened with the teacher that my Dad said " Watch what you say K---- she is crazy. " She irritates me so much like I have a little (I think) problem with my anger so sometimes I want to say mean things to her or do mean things. Like today at the beginning of class she said " This class has such a diverse collection of personalities people who are cheerful, grumpy, rude." It was at that moment that I blew a fuse she has poked the bear so I said " So you are talking about yourself. " She said " That is rude! ". I was basically like " I'm not a mirror. ". Is it wrong that when she said what she said at the beginning of the hour that it made be uncomfortable and annoyed. I asked my friend on a scale of 1 to 10 how uncomfortable does the teacher make you feel, it ended up being a 10. I tried to get her to tell the counselor, but she would never do it.
This was more so at the beginning of the school year, but the same teacher kept mispronouncing my name. Before you say " Maybe she has a speech problem. " or " Maybe your name is difficult to pronounce. " I have told her repeatedly how to pronounce my name and she just kept doing it. I told my Dad he said " She probably hates you. "
I have given her a chance and she blew it now I have no respect for her. She wants me to respect her, but I can't respect her unless she respects me plus she talks the entire class down. She sounds like she thinks we are all in kindergarten. I want to get better at my anger control, but I just can't seem to get it down. The whole day is going fine until I get to her class, I have cried multiple times in that class to where my chest will partially be in pain. Once I just nearly cried, but in my next class my chest starts hurting like I'm having what my Mom said is an Anxiety attack.
Ok I'm done with this mini rant or whatever.