
I've no idea if it's showing for you all, but it keeps on going back to my drafts so I'll be leaving the link here. Let me know if it disappears again! 
          	All my love! 
          	(Mantra M/V's got me on a chokehold for real.)


I thought I would love mantra but I never guessed I would love THIS MUCH
          	  Ps: I am so so sorry I am inactive nowadays! But know that I am always supporting you and will read your wonderful book as soon as possible!! Love you 


I've no idea if it's showing for you all, but it keeps on going back to my drafts so I'll be leaving the link here. Let me know if it disappears again! 
          All my love! 
          (Mantra M/V's got me on a chokehold for real.)


I thought I would love mantra but I never guessed I would love THIS MUCH
            Ps: I am so so sorry I am inactive nowadays! But know that I am always supporting you and will read your wonderful book as soon as possible!! Love you 


Hello, i read an article about a certain artist that sells pedophilic fantasies under the lens of patriarchy and there's this passage that i have to write about because I'm treating wattpad as my diary. 
          Basically, it talks about how western femininity is only valuable if you're small, petite, tossable, and waif-thin white. Not only that, but the apparent pedophilic fantasies that men have, generates cash and as such, is the bread and butter of the American entertainment industry. 
          Crazy writings during the diddy trial, but hehe I'm a whore for amazing writing backed with research. 


How is my girlie doing?! Is everything going well darling??


@bad_rats I so agree with you I have been concerned over her too! I just hope my girl is healthy and happy! I guess we will see whats going on with her when her album comes out so I am extremely excited and curious 


@lomlrosie MANTRA IS THAT BITCH! And I'm so glad that you're doing well! 
            Can't wait for Rosé's album!! 
            Though, I'm a bit concerned with her health? It's why i took down my rosé fic HAHAHAHAH not usually one to comment on about a womans body, specially if they're naturally petite, but I've seen videos circulating and honestly I'm begging to get compelled with what they're saying. 
            Hoep the album goes well tho! And genuinely hoping she figures everything out! 


@bad_rats OMG YES! AND ITS GETTING EVEN BETTER!!! HAPPY TO HEAR THIS!! Also glad to hear you are doing well! And yeah FINALLY I did managed to drop it and we went to beach yesterday with other international students and the water was cold plus amazing 
            We did some international lunch too and everything was delicious! (If you dont know everyone bring some dish from their country) So I am pretty tired I wish I could send you some pictures tho the view was outstanding 
            About my classes I guess I am managing for now, one of my teachers is going for a business trip this week and I have like 2 class from her(2 class but 6 lessons…) so I really dont have anything to do  
            And yeah that was all my update please make sure to update me if there is something from your side!!! 


Hiii. I just had a quick question on the book strawberries and cigarettes. Is there a reason you don’t update it anymore? And if there is you don’t have to disclose it or Alton I just wanted to know :)


@mei_iem_ hey! There's no reason really! I'm in the process of editing it actually, after releasing the final chapter of my other fic. 
            After i edit the published chapters, I'll be finishing that and then another fic, before i go! 
            Hope this helps, and happy reading! Explore the Jennie multiverse in this account! 
            Have a great day, yes? :)


Will try to release the remaining chapters of Going Rates this weekend if I'm not too lazy. 
          Then, after that fic, there's another one that I've been wanting to publish under the Jennie Kim multiverse, but it's a G!P or whatever it is that people call it. I've been hesitant, because look, i wrote it just to see how much further i can push my ability to write, it wouldn't be as - you know - with the scenes. 
          Anyway, it'll be my last fic for a really long while. And my last fic before I become a bit inactive in this app. Still, i do wish that to see you all, still. ;) 
          All my love! 


@bad_rats my first priority is you then your books! If you will be around then I can survive 


@anonymous772008 a real one. Won't totally disappear on you guys, don't worry! Writing's always been therapeutic for me. 


@lomlrosie don't worry, I'll still be snooping around! Just not as active with stories. I'll let them marinate for a bit, you know? But the Jennie multiverse will continue, so long as the muse provides! 


Well I guess it Hola now because I am in Barcelona finally! Came here yesterday with mom and Mataro is beautiful. We watched dogs playing with their humans on the beach for an hour while drinking a beer, it was relaxing! And my dorm is really nice like the room, people and everything so I am happy with my choice. But of course not everything is perfect because homesickness is hitting me hard and I started crying in my second day here! My mom is leaving tomorrow and that doesnt help either but I know it is good for me to leave my comfort zone. But still I am struggling with the idea of not finding friends, my future academics and also I am sick and will get my period soon so universe is trying me. Anyway I am rambling I know so I will shut up this was my life update and when I feel better I’ll make sure to read your lovely updates!
          How are you my darling? Besides your swollen eyes (that I think you look like a badass) what you up to nowadays? I missed you<3❤️✨


@lomlrosie You've been living your life then! I'm glad! And i get that, i miss my mom too, but ifind that her being in aussie works alot more, can't really keep her of the waves, you know? 
            Wonderful things darling, truly. Open yourself up to new experiences! I think it really is the best move that you went on ahead with this. And you've made friends too! See? Totally nothing to worry about. Pretty soon you'll be speaking spanish as well, with how immersed you are over there. 
            Not that badass really, at least I don't think so. You however, moving to a different place, meeting new people? Now that's badass. 
            I'm wishing you a good week too! Let's touch base here, if you have updates. I'll root for you, where i am! 
            All my love, darling! Good luck!


So I went to train station to drop off mom and I cried all the way, I am glad I brought my sunglasses. Then we hugged and she started crying too and it was the worst I can be like 40 and still mommys girl without shame. And right now I am in my room crying every time when I see something my mom used so homesickness sucks a lot. But I wrote a post on reddit and many strangers replied telling me how hard their first weeks were but it got better, so I feel tiny bit more hopeful.
            On friday, couple of people came around 11pm and asked if I would like to have a drink but I had to reject, I was dying out of tiredness so told them I can join tomorrow. I did and I met some people with 2 of them being extra sweet! They all knew Spanish so there were some awkward moments but it was good. Those 2 added me on insta so I guess I have someone if I need help so thats nice.
            There is something called ESN that arranges activities. I need to pay 35 euros for a card and then I can join but idk I dont like crowded places so maybe I can wait for school to start to meet some people and see what activities they will do on their buddy program. If its not enough then I can join ESN but we will see, I try to live day by day and not worry about future.
            There is also a friend of mine that tries to get her visa. I just hope she can come soon.
            And thank you for being on my side I know you are here, that helps too. You are right I miss my room so much, it was a wonderful room so I am waiting for the reunion. And wow that was well said!!
            Damn so there is a possibility that you could drive a motorcycle with swollen eye and maybe leather jacket?? Totally badass! But its dangerous so be careful or I would kill you When I beg to universe for my academic power, I will do the same for you!! till Friday I have nothing to do but I will find something so I can update you!
            Have a wonderful week love I will definitely see you soon and please update me if anything happens with you!! Love you!!!


@lomlrosie That sounds like a dream! I'm so proud of you sticking with your choice! And if you're ever feeling lonely, darling do leave a message here. You of all people should know that I'll reply. I'll be on your side, for when you figure it out! 
            And homesickness sucks yeah, i get that even when Aussie's a bit of home as well. Something about your childhood home, you know? And i know you'll miss your room terribly too! 
            Yet still! It'll pass, love. Often times, discomfort is just a cleverly disguised beginning. 
            Omg hihi i really am so happy for you. :) 
            As for me, besides boxing and academics, i've been in between decisions, if I'd exchange my car with my dad's motorcycle. Traffic's hell, but I'm feeling good about this school year! 
            And it should go without saying, but I've missed you too! Tell me all about your life over there when you're all settled in, yeah?
            Take care, always!


Might not be updating tonight and like, next week cuz my eye's swollen shut! If y'all are ever interested in boxing, just don't man. 
          Anyway, will try to be active still, keep safe everyone!
          All my love, always. 


@bad_rats we got home bc i wanted to. Still so hungover from yesterday it’s insane. My friends let me yap about random facts that i know so i got to live my pretentious life a bit.
            It’s so nice that you work out and experiment with it. Ur really cool. 
            Hope your head stops hurting as soon as possible.
            I took so many nice photos today. Barcelona has a lot of cute signs.


@HaulKim there's no emoji's in here, unfortunately! :<<


@Adrijana336 God, you really do have a habit of putting yourself in precarious places. Will you let me know as soon as you guys get back home? 
            And my day's been good actually! Besides the obvious shiner, I've shifted my workouts to calisthenics, died because apparently it's much more difficult, and then now my evening's a bit boring insofar as it's been filled with audiobooks, and just general restlessness because my head hurts like a motherfucker. 
            Besides the weird park, and the museum, what else have you been up to?


I diiid it. Mom said i look like a slut


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Take great care, baby. You and your friends. 
            I hope you're still having fun tho, despite what happened. It's shit, yeah, i think spain's had a thing about tourists recently, but i hope it doesn't affect your trip all that much. 
            Be safe, always, yes? 


@bad_rats i’m okay i guess thank god i have my passport with me.  It’s gorgeous here but dangerous and we really look like easy targets. Men here also don’t know how to behave it’s awful but the city is gorgeous


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@Adrijana336 jesus, what the fuck? Darling, are you alright? How did it even happen??


Weekend's gone :(. I'll be updating next week! See you then. Have a great week everyone! 
          All my love, always. ;) 


@tohsijj no teases for you then! :))


@bad_rats do not tease me if you wont deliver.... hate teases....


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@bad_rats im a nervous wreck today b it feels shit. I can’t even solve my problems on my own.
            Decided to try strawberry blonde. We’ll see how it goes tmrw. Will let u know for sure.
            Marketing girl said i look dangerously good today so i guess that was an ego boost.