Hello! This is Bada Writer. It has been a long time that I haven't been active ㅎㅎ I'm sorry to everyone who has been waiting for updates, but unfortunately, I haven't finished writing the new episodes for [83 days to run away with her]. I have been busy with many things lately that I haven't given time to write anything. However, I will still continue the story! I will currently revise the drafts I have since I was not that satisfied with it. But for the mean time, I uploaded a new story called [it's just business] which also contains Arin and Soobin as the leads. That story has been in my drafts for a long time and I decided to upload it since I finished revising some episodes last month. I will continuously update that one as I try to fix [83 days to run away with her]. I hope you enjoy the new story I wrote and uploaded! I'm always happy to receive feedback whether it's about the story or writing! Thank you for the good reactions and support for my story as well!

@badaflower just today , i got to know about this amazing story of yours..i already in love with it . Please update soon