Bathong yohh, so i commented on this other book and it was a bwam type book. Now before the story starts, we are given pictures and details of the mcs and the side characters.
so im scrolling there, trying to get the characters to stick, then i see a blonde white boy which is one of the side characters. What this author did is that under each picture of what they imagined the character to be they put their age their name ethnicity and race so when I see this white blonde boy and under his ethnicity and race is written in Italian slash caucasian I'm thinking to myself so this guy is basically white you know? So I didn't end up finishing that book and went about my day. Tell me why today I get a notification on that same comment I made and this lady is telling me that no him being Caucasian and Italian basically means that he is Latino???
I mean she could have a point but but how bro????? I need someone to just explain to me cuz I'm flabbergasted literally gobsmacked(^o^)(^o^)