
okay i don’t know who actually reads/watches kakegurui here but i’ve made a kakegurui imagines/oneshots book because for me one shots are easier to write than doing a whole story 


i wanna start writing again (well start publishing) but i have way too many ideas and i change my mind too much and whenever i post stuff even if everyone says it’s really good i just get anxious and unpublish it   


@baddestbitty2000 It's okay to take your time writing. It's a delicate and hard process to overcome that anxiety. Don't feel like you need to start writing again and making yourself stressed over it.


this is to all my followers from when i did steven universe (lapidot) fanfics;
          i don’t do that anymore and i will never do it again. i don’t make/do things related to that show. but i am bored so i will be posting new content, so if you’re interested in that then stick around. if you want steven universe content you can unfollow cus as i just said we don’t do that here