Hey there :)
My name's Mahrsy, and I'm the author of the story Living With The Bad Boy... which I'm certain you already know, seeing as you have MY old COVER of Living With the Bad Boy set as YOURS on your story 'I'm Living With The Bad Boy'.
If you look closely, you can see my username written in the bottom. I MADE that cover. I'm going to kindly request you to REMOVE that cover and change it to a new one. I'm not going to report you or anything, but if my cover isn't removed soon, I'm going to be forced to take action.
I'm not trying to be rude or anything, and maybe it was done unintentionally...but still, I'm going to ask you nicely to get rid of it and change it to something else. Plus, I'm sure you can go on the book cover club and request for something much better :)
That's all and have a good day!