
Hey guys!!! 
          	So I just uploaded  my latest work, it doesn’t have an official name yet but I’m calling it Paige, it also doesn’t have a book cover. Any ideas, I would appreciate it if you helped me find a name for it and a cover page. It’s my first time writing mystery  thriller, so tell me what you think and if it’s worth a read. Most importantly how it made you feel as a reader 
          	Thank you 


Hey guys!!! 
          So I just uploaded  my latest work, it doesn’t have an official name yet but I’m calling it Paige, it also doesn’t have a book cover. Any ideas, I would appreciate it if you helped me find a name for it and a cover page. It’s my first time writing mystery  thriller, so tell me what you think and if it’s worth a read. Most importantly how it made you feel as a reader 
          Thank you