Anyways, I just wanted to thank you all for following me and commenting on my story and showing so much support when I wrote like one of the most boring fanfictions ever. I know you all expected so much out of Luhan and Jizel, but I think you expected more from them than I planned. I don't like writing about Luhan. Not in a bad way but especially after exo showtime, luhan is the exact opposite of the Luhan I made him out to be. But also in some ways he is so similar to the Luhan in my fan fiction. I should either go along with his personality in real life or I should just spin off completely in the other direction to get his personality straightened out, but I'm just nervously tiptoe-ing on the edge of those two personalities, not able to choose one. And I don't like that. Same with Jizel. I made her out to be some dark, dancing girl who glares at people all the time but in real llife, she's basically a child. My friends in real life who are reading this, you know how completely true that is.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I screwed up this fan fiction big time. Completely different than what I wanted it to become. So I'm going to try again, and hopefully this time I will actually enjoy writing it. I'm really sorry for all of you who absolutely loved this fan fiction (except idek why like r u ok) but please be patient for the next because I'm really going to try this time. Thank you so much for all you have done for me <3