
Question on a debate me and a friend had over Teen Wolf.
          	If a werewolf were to kill someone, but that person was to be resuscitated (CPR or by supernatural means), would the werewolf's eyes stay gold, or turn blue?
          	Any answers and or thoughts would be helpful!


@bagsybaggins they would turn blue because they still killed someone before their death


@bagsybaggins My thought is that they would turn blue because the werewolf still killed someone even if they came back to life. But that's just my thought. 


I think they would turn blue, that’s just my opinion though so


Question on a debate me and a friend had over Teen Wolf.
          If a werewolf were to kill someone, but that person was to be resuscitated (CPR or by supernatural means), would the werewolf's eyes stay gold, or turn blue?
          Any answers and or thoughts would be helpful!


@bagsybaggins they would turn blue because they still killed someone before their death


@bagsybaggins My thought is that they would turn blue because the werewolf still killed someone even if they came back to life. But that's just my thought. 


I think they would turn blue, that’s just my opinion though so


To any writers who follow me, have you ever been writing a scene in a characters perspective, and you like, put yourself in their shoes. And you continue to write the scene and it's going great, but as you're in their shoes and you write that they start crying, your own eyes just decide that, hey it's time to do the waterfall, and then you just have to take a break because you can't even see the screen anymore? It's not just me right?


@bagsybaggins || Happens a lot. Crying scenes or even moments of anger, I feel it too. Means you're a good story writer as you aren't just typing words, but feeling them


@bagsybaggins It's not just u. There's a reason why so many people hate authors who wrote hurt/comfort fics and drop it before the comfort begins... . Just came here after reading a fic about Tim Drake whump, and then I was like let's try Harry Potter but then I had the worst luck today. The number of times u go into a fic expecting minimal hurt and lots of comfort, and then come back needing comfort and therapy, is uncountable 


I've come across a few 'Lone Survivor' TMR stories, where the reader/oc is the only survivor of a random maze. And honestly, not bad. If I were to write one-
          The reason why they're the lone survivor, is because they were the last person sent up, but maybe an hour before they got there, everyone in the 'Glade-Field' decided to just, go into the maze... They just left, might've died, might not have, but when the main character comes up, they are alone.... And they are very confused and possibly a little stupid because they also go into the maze and they get locked in... Queue to them running for their lives, screaming and by some miracle, they survive the night and kill a griever all on their first day... Honestly, the village idiot as a main character would be funny.


@bagsybaggins you should totally write this as an actual story! I would honestly love to read a story like this!


So, The Maze Runner series, I did the math (It might be correct as far as I know) but, in the end, out of 67 Gladers, only 5 survived (Technically 6 if you include Aris). Thomas, Minho, Gally, Frypan, and one other unnamed Glader...
          My Shanks, this one singular Glader went through practically everything with the trio, minus a few bits and peices, but we have no clue what their name is and what their story is. How crazy is that? 67 narrowed down to only 5, and we only know 4 of them by name.
          So, unnamed Glader, I shall give you a name and the recognition you deserve, because props to you for surviving three books.
          Also, please keep suggesting names, because I love the ones I've been sent so far!


So... not sure whose gonna read this or skip it, but I am in need of names...
          To specify, I need boy names for TMR - The King's Gambit Series that I'm still trying to update. (Bare with me, summer is making me super busy and tired but I'm wanting to write soon!)
          So, book wise, I could find 24 Glader names, and movie wise I found 21 additional names. And from the research I did a long while ago, there's a total of 65 Gladers not included Thomas and Teresa, 67 with the two. 
          I have 14 names that I made up, and book and movie is have 45 names, bring me to a total of 59 names... so, if you would like to add some boy names, I'm in need of six more names but you can put down as many as you like.


@bagsybaggins Norman, Ray, Oliver, Yuugo, Lucas, Nigel, Theo, Elliot, Leslie (definitely didn't get this from tpn)


@bagsybaggins Ezra is the only one I could think of that you probably don’t have already


I went from just writing for fun and not *really* caring about my mistakes, to creating very complex stories with a need to make it perfect... What the hell happened? I have solid notebooks filled with plots and book information, and character stuff, but before, I just googled baby names and winged it while writing.


@bagsybaggins character development love. <3


In Teen Wolf, Allison is supposed to be the eldest the first to turn 17. But then, in season Two, Lydia turns 17 as well.
          So, in reality, Allison being a year older in the whole pack, is a lie. Really, she is technically just a year older compared to Scott.
          And before someone tries to at me, both Lydia, Scott, and Stiles are all 16 in season One. Reason why is because in the Teen Wolf universe, you have to be 16 to have your license, and all of them drive (Scott just don't own his own car but he still drives!)
          That being said, Teen Wolf Continuity Errors strikes again! Because technically, Malia is the eldest in the pack being born a whole two months before Allison. I've done research and argued with my closest friend who has been into Teen Wolf since it came out (and I mean argued, like, kept getting frustrated and left with headaches because my god the logic ain't logic-ing).


Okay, so the Teen Wolf x Supernatural cross over will be call 'A Promise in Silver' and to make this a little simpler, everything was moved about four years back in the Teen Wolf timeline. So, Teen Wolf won't be happening in 2011 it'll happen in 2007, which would be in the end of Season 2 for Supernatural. However, I am starting with Supernatural season one and bringing Stiles into the Supernatural world with the MC- (Yeah sorry. Not an x reader, it's a Winchester OC, super proud of her and her trauma that I gave her).
          And also, Jeff Davis, why could you not just, I don't know, keep up with giving Characters solid birthdays and maybe keep the continuity in check? Like, yeesh, the headache I keep getting with trying to keep the cannon is bad.
          And first question for the story, much much later in the story, when Stiles gets married, does he take on the Winchester name or keep Stilinski? Only asking cause he's gonna be in the FBI and the Winchester's are, ya know, kinda wanted.


@bagsybaggins Keep Stilinski but be referred to as a Winchester to the Supernatural World.