
Hey I just wanted ask you something ....i have seen that you have read BLACK SWAM so can you plzz tell me about it 
          Like I have a habit of checking ending to check if it's a happy ending or not but I really love how author (HOBIPHILE) writes and in between the chapter I also saw that jk was sexually actively with FML when he was in relationship with someone else ....and I really hate cheating tropes whether it's main character or side character and can you plzz tell if it's safe for me to read it ....I have seen so many people appreciating that ff I really wanna read it..


honestly this book was sooo good and you should 100% read it it’s so well written. i would say that yes he does cheat on his partner with the fml but i didn’t really find it that frustrating bc he makes it clear that he likes the fml more and eventually breaks it off with his ex. also he’s not cheating for thaaat long only for a short time period in the middle of the book. also since you wanted to know, the ending isn’t reeeeally a happy one bc spoiler well jk is in prison. but there’s a second book right so you never know???? but i feel like the ending isn’t even that depressing. 
            Anyway this book was sooo funny and emotional and really good i think you should deffo read it. 


Crossroads | JJK
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          Also, i've snooped around your reading list and you have 'Cold World' on there... anyone who appreciates that story is automatically my friend BUT you also have 'Dance to this' on your list. I gotta say... you have exquisite taste! I can tell we have similar taste in books you should check out my reading list.