Hello my Magicians! First order of business, I'd like to apologize for not updating Slow Down often enough. I've been working on a project with the author of Journal Of Kenny (MilkshakewithFries) ever since she had to delete her account for whatever reasons.
We are writing a book together called... are you ready?.... Gaining Hope Together!
AHHH (Thant was me screaming in excitement)
I will be posting it sometime this month and updating Slow Down.
Second order of business,
OH MY GOD, we are almost at a hundred views on Slow Down! I'm am kind of surprised because being a new member of Wattpad, I'm kind of shocked. But I do thank MilkshakewithFries for commenting and leading some MAGICIANS to my account.
Well, that's all for this week. Until next, I will see you on the Magic Side!