wassup y’all, first let me say I appreciate the 1k followers. I love all of you guys who love my works of art. I know a few of you have been concerned and wondering when I’m going to update, and the honest truth is I don’t know. If you’ve been around since I started LNS then you’ll know my update schedule is pretty messed up, I don’t have a consistent basis on when I update my books because I feel that my writing ability is subpar. I wrote and completed LNS when I was a junior/senior in high school, and I thought that my mental health would have improved by now but it hasn’t. I started classes at a prestigious film school in hopes of pursuing a career in writing for TV and film and this is where I realized that my passion is not in writing: but to making other people smile. Writing is something that I’m good at and I do enjoy it, but I hate the writing process. Seeing others happy from stories I create does make me happy though. I will be completing both Payne and In My Hands ( In My Hands will be done before Payne) but I probably won’t post them until they completed. I’ve started my journey of healing and I’m starting to realize my true potential. I’m a bright star and so are all of you. I appreciate the support and encouragement, and I’ll see you all in my comment section. much love ❤️

Keep shining love!!!! I’m very proud of with all the work that you’ve been putting out. I’m also proud that you’re taking the needed time to better yourself mentally and emotionally. Love you, always!!! ❤️❤️❤️