
So, hi it's SurvivorToFighter, this is my old account Incase y'all didn't know, I wanna delete it but at the same time having two accounts is nice I guess. But if y'all feel I should delete it then I will, I mean the only reason I'm even considering keeping it is because I don't want my family reading what I write is all so yeah


So, hi it's SurvivorToFighter, this is my old account Incase y'all didn't know, I wanna delete it but at the same time having two accounts is nice I guess. But if y'all feel I should delete it then I will, I mean the only reason I'm even considering keeping it is because I don't want my family reading what I write is all so yeah


this message may be offensive
I'm going to be deleting my book and restarting cause I have made some serious changes cause the first one was shit, it will be the same almost, it just won't be entirely different is all, but yeah


Someone told me im to precious for this world after reading my book, does anyone know what he means, i feel more like a toxicity to this world than i feel like im to precious for, can some explain to me what he means by im to precious for this world was it something i wrote in my book im confused


I would like it if people who read my book even just a little bit of it would please leave a comment so i know if i should or would like to continue or stop writing my book and just because i would like to hear some opinions on my book to know how i did, and so if i need to fix something or not ill know and i just really wanna know if people like my book or not sense its my first, and I'm very nervous and hateful towards my writing afraid of rejection and not i don't know not fitting in because even though i like to be different to be myself i still feel the need to fit in to be accepted into society.


I hope people love my story, if you don't like it or think there's something wrong with it please comment and say what you feel don't hold back whether its mean or nice i wanna hear what you have to say and how you feel about my book and ill fix anything if there's something wrong and ill explain things if you have a question and to those who may hate it all i can say is im sorry that you didn't like it and its not the best but this is how i write and this is how i feel and this is how i see life i see a good part to life as well but its not reality and i like reality better than fantasy because i don't wanna get stuck in my fantasies and forget about reality and no matter how much i may hate reality its reality its hard to ignore unless you completely shut it out and even then your just ignoring it its not gone, and if you don't like my book you can leave a comment i won't mind but don't read it anymore if you don't like it okay.


I guess no one likes a book that speaks the truth when so many books on here are fiction and many more categories, that's fine I just thought some people would like it, honestly speaking I don't like the truth but I like to be truthful and I'm glad no ones read my book because its not good and its quite stupid, and I'm not good at writing books anyways writing yeah I'm awesome at that but that's all i guess anyways bye, i guess


Sorry about not having an authors notes or anything about updates it's just I've written stories before but this is how i write them and I'm truly sorry about the authors notes and updates info that isn't there, really sorry though


There is a chapter in my story that is about suicide and mistakes i have made and it may trigger people and I'm sorry if it does that's not why i wrote it so please don't be mad or sad when and if it triggers you and if you want ill delete it if it does its just that having no one to talk to and suddenly i felt like talking about this i wanted to write it down cause I've bottled up my feelings for years and i feel like i might explode if someone asked me how i was, and talking to myself or my phone felt good i haven't had any interactions with people afraid of never being accepted or belonging anywhere and i wasn't aloud to and had no reason to, and I'm sorry if no-one likes what i wrote i really am sorry.