It still don't feel real that coop is gone I swear I get like cold sweats when I think abt it poor baby deserved the world and for the ppl blaming Jaden wtf are u doing with ur life Jaden and nessa where and always will be coopers best friends and to blame either one of the especially Jaden when he already is prob blaming himself cooper was like his brother and Jaden felt responsible for cooper an being there for him At his lowest so for anyone to point the blame on him it's messed up and ur sick.
jus like many others i will be taking a break on top of other issues i have had coopers death saddened me the most he was such a pure soul and he shouldn’t be gone so early god this sucks ik i never knew him personally but he seemed so genuine and sweet and made my heart smile he went through sm in life and i am forever proud along with everyone else.
rest in peace cooper noriega