
Ok but if you are going to discard the book, could you atleast tell us what happens? Cause I just read all and it is amazing!
          No preasure or anything, but you wrote a fricking good story. And I do hope you get a chance to finish it.


@bakuboi, Oh please I should be thanking you for writeing it. But you're welcome!


            I'll try to finish it; I have some wips going for it but to be 100% honest I never had a plot in mind when I wrote it. I winged every single chapter and this is my first fic that I started writing on a whim so I don't have a whole bunch I can tell you about it. I really do appreciate your interest in it though, even after all this time, so thank you for reading it!


hi, ambivalent is a book i really enjoyed reading, i was wondering if you had decided to discontinue it?


@-LYRALIC Not officially! I was practically obsessed with bakudeku when I started it, and though I still enjoy Bakugou and Deku as a couple a lot, I'm not nearly as into bnha atm. I'm hoping to eventually finish the story but it's hard not only because I go to school fulltime and a have a job, but also because the free time I do have is geared mainly towards hanging with friends and drawing. 
            I do appreciate the interest people still have in this story, it means a lot, so I will try to finish it at some point or at least tell people how it was gonna play out.


You're so good, dude! It's like I'm reading an award winning novel!!! Keep it up!


@bakuboi you're so veryyyy welcome. Now stop cryin and work ya butt on the update! XD jk 


@PsychOtakuChan Thank you so muchhhh!! That means a lot to me,  dude!  /lays down and cries/