Cheers to youre best friend the one person that you thought would never leave you not answering you for a month and then telling you that they dont like you as a person
Cheers to youre best friend the one person that you thought would never leave you not answering you for a month and then telling you that they dont like you as a person
I used to be dating someone we dated for like half a year and they could never go on dates with me no matter how hard i tried i broke up with them because i felt like they didnt like me anymore and they got into a relationship with one of my friends which im completely fine with but they could immediately go on dates with them and their dad wasnt strict at all i clearly wasnt good enough for them and i wont be good enough for anyone else
Im so done with relationships
Lol I'm hot-natured (and hot ) so I don't get cold easily but I'm like a little bit taller than you (by like a quarter of an inch, but I almost never slouch so I'm always this height)