/ joseph ! / what the hell is / THIS ? ! / * the italiano's voice is high enough to be near a shriek , & he throws the plastic spider he'd been holding by the leg in the brunet's direction — fair features flushed with colors ( mainly from embarrassment. ) * why was this in MY room ? ! explain yourself !

that wasn't a joke , you asino ! that was you making a mockery of me , & i will not stand for it ! * he strides forward , fists clenched at his side as he gets the laughing brunet in his field of reach. * how would you like if i made a mockery of you in the same manner , or worse ? * he extends a gloved hand , fingers sparking with hamon as his breathing levels out , & he swing his palm — intentions to land a slap. * how would you like that ? !

@caesarinos ┄ ෴. * the blonde’s reaction could’ve just been the funniest thing joseph joestar ever has seen in his entire life . who knew something so simple as a prank would’ve caused such a good && hilarious outcome ? * imbecile ? learn to take a joke , caesar , really ! * he says with a hearty laugh , holding tight to his gut . *

* his gloved fists clench at his side , & perhaps if he wasn't breathing so heavily at the moment , he could deliver a hamon filled blow into the other's gut. however , his heart was still racing too fast for such a thing. * shut the hell up ! * of course , it scared him. it had him on his bed for about five minutes before he could fathom the guts to ʻ kill ʼ it. * don't call me that you .. you imbecile ! i'm going to strangle you — !