
Hey! Uhmm.. Not to rush you but when are you gonna use my cover? I'm sorry to say this but my book cover has an expiring date. If its not use in less in a week I will delete your request and take back my cover from you.. BUUUUUT if you give me a good explanation I'll just let it pass. I know its not that great but I worked very hard on your cover. It was actually my first doing that kind of uhmm.. Fantasy-ish book cover? ( is that even a word? XD) I have to keep redoing it because I couldn't find the right spot to put your username. I hope you understand :(.... 
          PLS REPLY :)))


I wanna read this book I'm excited


@ijustneedpie Okay. I understand and Im not mad. I just wanna make sure that you will use my cover :D.. Good luck on writing your story! :) Have a good day/night! :))


@Altheadenz15  Hii! I'm really sorry, I didn't know that there was going to be an expiring date! I was planning on publishing the book when I have at least 3 or 4 chapters written, I'm working on the second chapter right now but I'm trying to do my best and get the book up by at least the beginning of September but I'm not entirely sure when it's going to be up. I just want to make this book as good as possible, I have really big plans for it! I really hope that you understand and aren't too mad! :(


Thanks for following me ^_^


@ThatRandomPenguin Yaas, bts is life and Jikook is otp