hey again guys! i have some good news and some bad news. let's rip the bandaid off to start with.
i've decided i'm going to stop writing kpop fics for the time being (most likely permanently). don't get me wrong, i still LOVE got7 with everything i have in me and more, and in no way am i ever dropping kpop. i just think that as time grows on and my boys continue to grow, i just feel awkward writing books about them. i still ship yugbam of course, but yeah.
so the good news? if you will count it as that!
i will still be writing! but i'm gonna be writing anime fics instead. haikyuu, banana fish, bnha, and more! i might make a separate account for this, and please feel free to follow me. i'll let you all know when i make that account!
i will be leaving my books up on here, and i'd love if you guys would continue to share and read these! i hope you can still support me with my change of mind.
so, as for now, [CLOSE.]