
sitting in the break room at work and i think i just got my next idea solidified.
          	how does another toxic crenny fic sound to yall lol


Finishing up the first chapter of my next story! I'm not sure if I want to go my usual route and upload it all at once when I'm done, or if you guys would like to read this one as I go along?
          It's been taking me a lot longer to get through this story since I'm currently finishing up my first semester of college, but I was thinking maybe if I release it by chapter, then I'll get that extra push to keep writing. I'm just so scared of orphaning my writing if I get tired of it lmfao
          Ok thanks guys that's all


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your writing is stellar, i actually cried when i read your crenny fic [its remember me btw] bc HOLY SHIT, i quite literally felt my heart shatter, powerful ass writing! just thought i'd let you know i looooove your fics :)


@bananapuffbar np! you got a charm, y'know? hard to explain, i just love your stories! also, no need to say sorry, i'm an emotional wreck, you looked at me? i'm bawling. but your story wasn't just a look, it was a punch to my heart. keep writing man! can't wait to read more :)


@r4ven_cl4wzzz oh man, thank you so much! sorry to make you cry though that sucks lmfao, but for real i appreciate it more than i can put in a wattpad comment :'))


pssst.. i'm writing again.
          anyways, some updates:
          - writing a new fic again (angst, obviously) and although I've already written some of it, I probably won't start uploading it until I'm close to done, that way I can still focus on school without leaving everyone waiting for updates for too long
          - i'm getting some of my other finished works moved over to wattpad from ao3! i meant to do this so long ago but totally spaced on it since i've spent the last few months planning & executing a move across the country for college.. as well as starting college itself lol. **this should be done by the end of the weekend**
          - and finally, this is less of an update but moreso a notice in case it does happen: if 'remember me' ever suddenly vanishes for a little while, it's not deleted! i'm too proud of it to delete it. however, i'm contemplating developing it into one of my film projects at school as a non-fanfiction drama, but again this is still not for sure.
          anyways, thank you guys for all or the support on remember me! it makes my day every time i get a notification, i'm so happy you all like it :')
          - fred


how'd u find out abt fanfic? (saw ppl asking questions, so i decided to ask one ^^)


@r4ven_cl4wzzz i think i first found out abt it on my DSI when i was 6 trying to look up icarly stuff? lol but I was hugely active in that sort of wattpad boom that happened from 2015 - 2017 (which is where south park came into play), though i started actually *reading* it on quotev in 2014 i think  


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to my two lovely followers (and anyone who checks this account at any point), i have the idea for my next story all planned out, just give me a lil time to get super stoned and i'll crank that shit out asap lol