
ahhh, remember when i was active on here and wrote? neither do i LMAO


I really, really wish Wattpad would allow writers to orphan works like AO3 does. As much as I appreciate everyone who still reads my old works (namely my 5sos/1d bsm preferences), I don't really want them connected to me as a writer anymore.
          I don't want to delete them since it seems like they're still getting steady attention, and I stand by leaving things up to track progress and stuff... but, I am 19 now, and don't really feel the same way about my writing as I did when I was 14.
          However, I am going through a deleting a lot of my other works. Some of them don't need to see the light of day anymore.


okay WOAH hey i haven't been on here in like a year uhhh what the heck are wattpad coins i


@KyraTheFanGirl_1275 ,,,, okay that's dumb wow


@bandable You have to buy wattpad coins to read really popular books. It's stupid in my opinion. 


hi i know i disappeared for a literal three months but I'M BACK kinda
          i'm mainly going to be cross-posting fics because i'm writing way more on ao3 than i am on here, but i want to continue to write here still. 
          uh but i also went from stanning like 3 kpop groups to stanning like 10 woops ajdfaid i finished school so i haven't had anything to do but that lol


Hey, if you still like/support the Paul brothers after what Logan Paul did today, please unfollow me right the f u c k now.
          They've always been trash, but this is a new level. Going into a suicide forest to film a YouTube video is wrong in the first place, but to joke about suicide the entire video, film a VICTIM of suicide that you found, use the image of the dead body in your thumbnail to gain views and then when people attack you for what you did wrong, to have the AUDACITY to say you posted the video for suicide awareness?? Get the hell out. 
          Everything Logan Paul did with this situation is disgusting and what's even more awful is the lack of a response from YouTube. If they can demonetize/delete channels just for posting LGBT+ videos, then Logan Paul should have been on his f u c k i n g way out the minute the video was posted. His audience are 10-15 year olds. What the hell, YouTube? Allowing this to have stayed up for as long as it did and not do anything as repercussion for the video he posted is an even shittier thing on your part.
          Logan Paul isn't going to change anything unless YouTube does something. It's in their hands now, and if they decide that some dickbag with 14 million subs is more important than doing what's right in this situation... I only hope that others with the same following WILL do something. He shouldn't get away with something like this.
          Logan Paul should have been over a long time ago. If this doesn't end his career, I have no words. 
          If the internet can ruin Sam Pepper, they can do it with Logan Paul too. God knows he deserves it just as much.
          This has been a PSA.