
/ cb for a starter uwu


you're ...  osamu's daughter.  that's new.


i'm still trying to wrap my head around this  ...   whatever.   hi,  i'm your..  uncle?  i guess.   nice to meet you.


            yeah , and chuuya's .


" oh - h - hey Arisu . . . d - did you come back to masufasu again ? o - or are you lost ? " ayano asked , looking at the female .


            " a long time - " the female answered as she rubbed her neck awkwardly . " do you wanna go to a cafe ? " she asked .


            " r - really ? f - for how long ? " ayano smiled softly , her eyes lighting up at the answer .


            " i came back , i missed you haha . " arisu chuckled slightly as she glanced at ayano with her red eye .


/ cb for a starter uwu


ayano bumped into another female — gasping as the other fell onto the floor .
          " o - oh no ! god , i should ' ve been watching where i was looking ! a - are you alright ? " she asked , a worried look planted on her facial features .


            she texted the female , smiling as she did so . glancing at her parents as they eventually arrived home thanks to chuuya's anti-gravity ability . " hey . this is arisu . we just met . " she texted .
            looking around she thought of what the female meant by asking her if she was a villain . " h m m . " she thought .
            arisu went into the living room , her parents following her as she waited for a reply off of her . " she was nice . " the female stated .


;; ❤️ 
            @bandagedaughter //
            " b - bye ! " she stuttered out , running a hand through her hair .
            with a relieved expression  — due to no trouble happening — she watched them drive off .
            " i - i hope her and one of her fathers get better from those suicide attempts . . . " she mumbled to herself , before turning on her heel and walking to the dorms she lived in .


            " my name is arisu . i have to go now , i'll talk to you later ! " she smiled , waving and bowing as she made her way over to the motorbike and sat on the ginger's lap .
            waving goodbye once more , she nodded and tapped her dad's shoulder and they took off , the female left a message on a blank piece of paper in her pocket with her phone number on .
            her long black hair was flying in the wind as she then stood up on the bike , behind the ginger as she could actually fly because of the ability she had .


"oh  my! that  was  quite  a  fall  you  had  there. are  you  alright,  miss?"  her  words  laced  with  concern,   the  ravenette  slid  her  sword  back  inside  her  leather  scabbard  and  approached  the  other  with  a  worry  look  of  her  own ;  offering  a  hand  to  the  latter.


            " yeah , he's always busy so i understand why he wouldn't bring it up . " she chuckled , rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly as she bowed to the other . " it would be nice , and call me arisu . " she giggled softly and rubbed her red eye yet it switched to a brown one . 


her  eyes  widened  at  her  answer,  did  she  heard  that  right?  "ehh?! you're  osamu - tan's  daughter? i  didn't  know  he  has  one!"  it  was  rather  out  of  character  for  her ;  she  has  never  been  this  surprised  before.  though  she  was  quick  to  caught  on  her  'mistake'  and  cleared  her  throat.  "ah,  my  apologies  —  and  don't  mention  it! i'm  always  happy  to  help.  i  could  even  take  you  there  if  you'd  like,  ma'am."


            " uhhh . dazai osamu and chuuya nakahara . " she answered the other's question about who her parents were . playing with said bandages on her arms , her long black hair in a slight ponytail behind her . " and thank you , i just got lost haha - " arisu chuckled slightly , her eyes curling as her mouth curled too into a slight smile .